PaulTheCAD's (Paul Tracey)Tips - Snap Basic's

Published : 05/31/2016 12:46:41
Categories : General

Snaps are vital to CAD drawings and if you are new to them, then this film is very important. Snaps enable you to draw quickly and accurately.

There are two ways to draw with snaps, the first method is to pre-set snaps that you know you will be using all the time. Perhaps you know than you will be needing end of line, centre of circle and mid-point of line snaps. So you enable these in the snap tools box and ensure that ‘SNAP’ at the bottom of your screen is black, (or highlighted, if you are working with a black surround). In this way when you draw to or from a point that relates to the pre-set snaps, your object will snap to that point.

Many people use this method, but the gripe that I have against it is that if, for example, a mid-point is very near a centre, then there is always the possibility that you could automatically snap to the wrong point and, if distracted or in a hurry, you might not notice the mistake.

All is explained in the film.


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