TurboCAD + Anyone = World Class Products!

Published : 01/18/2016 11:54:07
Categories : General

John Sawyer is a professional image maker, moving seamlessly between the worlds of still images and motion pictures, capturing the stories of people, places and things. When John first saw the new iPhone, he thought about how it and other smart phones are really replacing our cameras because of their size and how we always have them with us. And if the cameras are getting so much better in these phones, wouldn’t it be great to still have a camera-like experience without sacrificing size and weight?

That’s where TurboCAD began to play a role in making John realize his dream of making an iPhone an even better digital camera with a lightweight, inexpensive case.

John had zero CAD experience, a self-described “ CAD Idiot” , so before choosing TurboCAD as his design application, he looked at other CAD and graphics design programs. He ended up choosing TurboCAD because its tutorials and trial period let him see that with his Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator experience, it translated very well to designing with TurboCAD. TurboCAD’s UI was much more intuitive and laid out in a simple and elegant way.

John says: “In one week I was expressing my design ideas in the program effortlessly. Also, I always had the idea of scaling up. The idea that I could come into the family of programs for such a reasonable price and then scale up as my proficiency and budget allowed, was a key to my purchase decision.“

John quickly realized that the more he worked with TurboCAD, the more complex the design he could create. John adds, “TurboCAD has been like my silent partner in this product. It gracefully accepted all of my design challenges.”

John decided to initially fund his production of the camera case, called “KDEN” through a Kickstarter campaign. This campaign led John to a relationship with a domestic as well as foreign distribution for his products. It also subsequently served as an avenue to venture capital financing. John is expecting a world-wide launch of KDEN in the first part of 2016, a roll-out of a line of KDEN products will be part of a line of products, the design of which will all be done in TurboCAD.

To learn more about John Sawyer and his design, visit:

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